Monday, November 6, 2017

Timeshare Exit Team: The Real Deal

Do you need to know how to get rid of a timeshare? Are you tired of laying awake at night wondering how you will make you monthly timeshare payments? Then you need our timeshare exit team!

Going on vacation should be a relaxing time. Getting ready for vacation however, very rarely is. Often you may feel stressed and overwhelmed. Trying to get ahead on all of your work so you can leave. Packing for yourself and your kids. Double checking everything to make sure you have what you need.

You probably even wake up early to make sure you get to the airport on time. And then there is the travel itself. If you are like many Americans air travel probably makes you feel a bit on edge or might even make you feel a bit panic stricken.

The bottom line is, by the time you get to the resort, you are far from relaxed. In fact you are probably fairly stressed and ready to enjoy your vacation.

This is when the timeshare salesman pounces with his timeshare scams. He promises you the moon. You are normally a rational, logical person who would never fall for something like this.

However, research shows that since you are stressed from all of your vacation preparation, you are more likely to make a rash decision. And you do. You buy a timeshare.

Once you get home, you are still pretty stressed. You still had to deal with packing, travel, unpacking, and of course there were about a million projects at work that you needed to catch up on.

So you didn’t cancel your timeshare during your rescission period because you wanted to give it a try. But, it turns out, your first instinct was correct, and now you are stuck wondering how to get rid of a timeshare. There are several reasons that you may be disillusioned with your timeshare. Perhaps you are not in a financial situation where you can’t afford your timeshare comfortably. Maybe you realized that your timeshare is not as flexible as you thought it would be.

This is very common. During your timeshare presentation, you were probably told that you would be able to use your points flexibly to go on longer vacations or to more exotic destinations. It was also explained that you would have a certain amount of flex points to use however you wanted. This is usually not true. Our timeshare exit team frequently hears about timeshare scams and even legitimate timeshares that limit your point usage and make it nearly impossible to go on the vacations you want.

Now you need to get out of your timeshare. But you aren’t sure where to start. You may think that it would make sense to start by calling the timeshare company. I cannot stress enough that you should not do this. The timeshare company has a vested interest in keeping you in your timeshare. If you give it back to them or cancel it, they have another timeshare to sell and one they aren’t making money on.

If you call, they will tell you it is impossible to cancel a timeshare, and no matter how sad your sob story is, they won’t take it back. They may even double down and try to sell you extra points so that you can use your timeshare “more effectively.” This is clearly not what you want, but you may be tempted. However, don’t expect your timeshare to be any more enjoyable just because it is more effective.

From here, you may feel lost, even discouraged. Not sure what to do next you may think about selling your timeshare. This is also usually a mistake. Despite what you were told by the timeshare company, the retail timeshare market is terrible. You may be able to sell your timeshare but most likely only for a fraction of what you owe on it. Our timeshare exit team has even seen cases where our clients still owed the timeshare company money after selling their timeshare. It also takes a long time to sell a timeshare, and you have to continue making payments while you own it.

You may even think about defaulting on your timeshare out of desperation. This will affect your credit score. The situation may seem hopeless. It is not.

Our timeshare exit team can help you get the timeshare cancellation that you need. We know timeshare cancellation. We don’t sell timeshares and we aren’t part of the resort industry. We work for you.

We are so confident that we can cancel your timeshare that we offer a money back guarantee. Our timeshare exit team reviews each and every timeshare contract to determine the best way to get out of a timeshare.

Call us today to get rid of your timeshare and get your vacation and life back!

For A Free Timeshare Exit Team Consultation, Conducted By A Timeshare Cancel Center Timeshare Advocate
Call 24/7: 1-866-399-2929

For More Information About Timeshare Cancellation
Talk With Our Timeshare Exit Team Or See Our Website:


Timeshare Resales

Call 24/7 - For A Free Timeshare Exit Team Consultation


Timeshare Cancel Center LLC
Attn: Timeshare Exit Team
5036 Dr. Phillips Blvd. #221 
Orlando, Florida 32819-3310 USA

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